Programme with links
Short cuts
9.00-10.00 Welcome & Roundtable discussion
10.15-11.00 Thematic parallel session
11.15-12.00 Thematic parallel session
13.00-14.00 Thematic parallel session
14.10-15.00 Matchmaking & Mingle
15.15-16.30 Panel Debate & Wrap up
Extended Posters (.pdf)
Conference programme
8.30-9.00 Check-in and mingle
Link to Zoom meeting to mingle and ask questions on technical issues
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9.00-9.15 Welcome!
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Welcome greetings by Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz, followed by roundtable discussions.
9.15-10.00 Roundtable discussion
- Per Mickwitz, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Sustainability and Campus development
Invited guests
- Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Senior lecturer of Human Rights Studies, Department of History
- Mikael Klintman, Professor in Sociology, Department of Sociology
- Markku Rummukainen, Professor of Climatology, Lund University, and at SMHI, Climate Advisor and Sweden's Focal Point for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC
10.00-10.15 Break
10.15-11.00 Thematic parallel sessions
Overarching Theme: Knowledge for Sustainable Development
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Chair: Christian Skovbjerg Jensen, Office director at Inter Arts Center
Research presentations
- Art, hacking & parasitic critique: Discussing the potentials and limits of international political design through Jacob Remin’s “Harvesting the Rare Earth”, Daniel Møller Ølgaard, Department of Political Science
- Implicit sustainable development theories obscure disproportionate impacts from climate-related extreme events: example from Hurricane Michael and housing losses on Florida’s Forgotten Coast, Chad S. Boda, LUCSUS
- Sustainable transformation through universal design, Charlotte Magnusson, Certec, Department of Design Sciences
Theme I: Knowledge on crisis and resilience in the sustainability context
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Chair: Lars J Nilsson, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies
Research presentations
- Circular business models – are they attractive for households? Jessica Lagerstedt Wadin, Innovation engineering, Design Sciences, LTH
- Effects of Covid-19: from mobility to digital accessibility, Peter Arnfalk, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
- Conceptualizing and Researching Resilience: Need for Theoretical and Methodological Triangulation, Azher Hameed Qamar, School of Social Work
Theme II: Knowledge on communicating uncertainty and ambiguity in sustainability research
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Chair: Johannes Persson, Theoretical Philosophy
Research presentations
- Mediatisation and social sustainability – an ambivalent relationship, Cecilia Cassinger, Department of Strategic Communication
- Value incommensurability and complex trade-offs, Henrik Andersson, Practical Philosophy
- Health impact of pesticide exposure in relation to climate change among
populations in low- and middle income countries, Christian Lindh, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Theme III: Knowledge about justice and equity in a sustainable world
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Britta Sjöstedt, Department of Law
Research presentations
- Understanding air pollution and health impact in Ethiopia, Ebba Malmqvist, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Inclusive urbanization and the urban transition – a research agenda for lower level urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Department of Human Geography
- The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Legitimacy, Responsibility,
and Accountability, Magdalena Bexell, Department of Political Science
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.00 Thematic parallel sessions
Overarching Theme: Knowledge for Sustainable Development
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Kristina Jönsson, Department of Political Science
Research presentations
- Distribution of responsibility for climate change adaptation - Is the global discussion relevant on the local level? Erik Persson, Practical Philosophy
- Environmental Psychology Perspectives on People and nature, Ann Eklund, Environmental Psychology, Department of Architecture and Built Environment
- Sustainable and resilient economic development in peripheral regions: a theoretical framework, Rhiannon Pugh, CIRCLE
Theme I: Knowledge on crisis and resilience in the sustainability context
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Helle Rydström, Department of Gender Studies
Research presentations
- Supply and Demand of Ecosystem Services - African Geography of Sustainability, Jonas Ardö, Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- Refining Resilience Discourses in Development: resilience of, for and as, Billy Jones, Agenda 2030 Graduate School, Division of Ethnology
- What can we learn about impacts and responses to the pandemic from sharing organisations in three sectors? Oksana Mont, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
Theme II: Knowledge on communicating uncertainty and ambiguity in sustainability research
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Ebba Malmqvist, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Research presentations
- How policy-makers deal with scientific uncertainty – What scientists can learn from climate and covid-19 policy-making, Åsa Knaggård, Deptartment of Political Science
- Confronting the certainty-first-action-second misconception, Mikael Klintman, Sociology
- Uncertainty in Science and Decision-making, Henrik Thorén, Theoretical Philosophy
Theme III: Knowledge about justice and equity in a sustainable world
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Ulrika Andersson, Department of Law
Research presentations
- Data-Center infrastructure and Energy Gentrification: Perspectives from Sweden, Frans Libertson, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
- Developing sustainable and responsible research and innovation, Yahia Mahmoud, Department of Human Geography, Linda Paxling, CIRCLE, Lena Trojer, CIRCLE
- Seeds, Sustainability, and Intellectual Property Rights: Modes of Showing Compliance with Plant Variety Protection Regimes in Asia, Erik Mobrand, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Hyejin Kim, National University of Singapore
12.00-13.00 Lunch break & poster presentation
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Poster pitches are presented on a rolling screen in the Zoom meeting. View the pitches to choose which full poster presentation you want to take part of.
Read the extended poster presentations (.pdf)
13.00-14.00 Thematic parallel sessions
Overarching Theme: Knowledge for Sustainable Development
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Lena Neij, The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
Research presentations
- Have a look at Plants: Looking as techne, Lisa Källström, Rhetoric
- How Resources Become: The 2021 Lund Resourcification Manifesto, Hervé Corvellec, Department of Service Studies
- Go Massive or Go Home? The rise of online courses for spreading knowledge on sustainable development, Kes McCormick, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
- New perspectives on the design of the buildings, Pimkamol Mattsson, Envrionmental Psychology research group, Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment
Theme I: Knowledge on crisis and resilience in the sustainability context
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Susanne Arvidsson, Accounting and Corporate Finance
Research presentations
- Facilitating sustainable consumption through innovative business models, Heather Schoonover, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
- Good lighting promotes energy efficient behaviour, Thorbjörn Laike, Envrionmental Psychology research group, Dept. Of Architecture and Built Environment
- A strategic communication approach to resilience in tourism regions, Maria Månsson, Department of Strategic Communication, Jörgen Eksell, Department of Strategic Communication
- Does Scarcity Reduce Cooperation? Gustav Agneman, Department of Political Science
Theme II: Knowledge on communicating uncertainty and ambiguity in sustainability research
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Per Becker, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety
Research presentations
- The impacts of massive solar farms in the Sahara Desert on global climate and terrestrial ecosystem, Zhengyao Lu, Dept. of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science & Center for Environmental and Climate Science
- Car sharing as a strategy to address GHG emissions in the transport system: Evaluation of effects of car sharing in Amsterdam, Ana María Arbeláez Vélez, International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics
- The Environmental Turn in Postwar Sweden: A New History of Knowledge, David Larsson Heidenblad, Department of History
- The shift from organic to more sustainable food consumption in Sweden, Vasiliki Simaki, Centre for Languages and Literature
Theme III: Knowledge about justice and equity in a sustainable world
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Meeting ID:
Chair: Daria Davitti, Department of Law
Research presentations
- Small-scale farmers, municipalities and local food systems in Sweden, Annika Pissin, Center for East and South-East Asian Studies
- The tragedy of recurrence/a recurring tragedy: How socially shared memories of past economic disasters inform experiences of Argentina’s current macroeconomic crisis, Sara Kauko, Department of Gender Studies
- Post-conflict reconstruction in the Middle East – strategies from international, national and local perspectives, Helen Avery, Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies and Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences
- Welfare-Improving Bubbles in Green Capital Markets? Danial Ali Akbari, Department of Economics
14.00-14.10 Break
14.10-15.00 Matchmaking & Mingle
Theme I: Knowledge on crisis and resilience in the sustainability context
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Meeting ID:
Pitch chair: Melissa Ilsley, Postdoc, Department of Laboratory Medicine
Matchmaking pitches
- Are we solving the right problem? – prototyping as a way for deeper understand of wicked problems – a call for cross-disciplinary collaboration, Jessica Lagerstedt Wadin, Innovation engineering, Design Sciences, LTH
- Challenges and Opportunities to a Sustainable Bioenergy System in Sweden, Jagdeep Singh, Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
- Climate change and health impact assessment, Anna Oudin, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- A human rights-based approach to evacuation and managed retreat in Sweden, Matthew Scott, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Exploration focused learning for resilient and antifragile systems, Patric Nordbeck, Department of Psychology
Theme II: Knowledge on communicating uncertainty and ambiguity in sustainability research
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Meeting ID:
Pitch chair: Lina Van Dooren, PhD student, Malmö Academy of Music
Matchmaking pitches
- Exploring Existential Sustainability: an interdisciplinary perspective, Magali Ljungar-Chapelon, Department of Design Sciences
- Design as knowledge building process for navigating uncertainty and friction towards sustainability, Despina Christoforidou and Claus-Christian Eckhardt, LUSID, Lund University School of Industrial Design
- Environmental performance index as a sustainable development goals achievements indicator, case study in Iraq
Mohamed A.Najemalden, Ministry of environment Iraq-Kirkuk, Sameer Algburi, Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Director of Swedish Iraqi Studies Network - Digitalisation: helping or hindering sustainable consumption? Matthias Lehner, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
- Environments supporting sustainable mobility during dark hours, Johan Rahm, Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Theme III: Knowledge about justice and equity in a sustainable world
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Meeting ID:
Pitch chair: Claire Lyons, Department of Experimental Medical Science
Matchmaking pitches
- Sustainable transformation through universal design, Charlotte Magnusson, Certec, Department of Design Sciences
- Climate change induced water insecurity. A focus on WASH and gender adaptation strategies, Martina Angela Caretta, Human Geography Department, Sara Gabrielsson, LUCSUS
- Climate change and health impact assessment, Ebba Malmqvist, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Putting Gender Equality back in and on Agenda 2030; Lean in – or ZOOM© out? – About Gender Inequality in the Nordics, Ilse Svensson de Jong, Innovation Engineering, Izabelle Bäckström, Production Management
Theme IV: Future calls
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Meeting ID:
Pitch chair: Zahida Sarwary, Postdoc, Department of Business Administration
Matchmaking pitches
- A circular economy in the building sector, Ulla Janson, Building Services
- Testing the Systematic Framework to Assess Social Impacts of Sharing Platforms, Oksana Mont, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
- Future Sustainable Mental Healthcare – towards wellbeing and digital availability, Ilse Svensson de Jong, Innovation Engineering, Luisa (Louise) Lupa, Social Work
- Beyond CSR and Triple Bottom Line: Is B-corps the new business model towards integration of sustainability governance? Ilse Svensson de Jong, Innovation Engineering, Camilla Nyquist Magnusson, Design Sciences
- Packaging for healthy food, Katrin Molina-Besch, Department of Design Sciences, Division of Packaging Logistics, Giana Carli Lorenzini, Department of Design Sciences, Division of Packaging Logistics
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-16.15 Panel Debate
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The panel debate is followed by the summary and wrap up.
- Emily Boyd, Professor and Director, LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
- Lizette Gradén, Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
- Sara Kauko, Postdoc, Department of Gender Studies
- Henrik Smith, Professor, Centre for Environmental and Climate science, Director of Sustainability Forum
- Maria Takman, PhD student, Department of Chemical Engineering
Chat moderator:
- Cheryl Sjöström, Project manager, Centre for Environmental and Climate science
16.15-16.30 Summary and wrap up
Concluding remarks will be given by Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz and Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström.
Poster presentations - extended versions
Take part of the poster pitches during the lunch break, and read the extended versions below.
- Green tissue processing for preclinical and clinical histology and immunohistochemistry
Iran A.N Silva, Department of Experimental Medical Science
- Black carbon sources, impact and mitigation strategies in Scania
Pontus Roldin, Division of Nuclear Physics
- Constructing sustainable relatings. The case of Acqua Alta in the Venetian lagoon
Monica Porzionato, Department of Strategic Communication
- Design as knowledge-creating process for navigating uncertainty and friction towards sustainability
Despina Christoforidou, LUSID Lund University School of Industrial Design
- Decision Support Systems for Real! – Enhancing Sustainability in environmental clean-up action
Mehran Naseri-Rad, Division of Water Resources Engineering
- Ensuring Social Sustainability: towards a Systematic Framework to Assess Social Impacts of Sharing Platforms
Oksana Mont, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
- Toxic uncertainty as a matter of care
Lina Bonde, Department of Gender Studies
- Reasons behind low adoption of non-hydro renewable energy in Central Asia
Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov, Department of Sociology of Law
- Potential health benefits following the implementation of low emission zones in Malmö, Sweden
Erin Flanagan, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- A human rights-based approach to displacement in the context of disasters and climate change
Matthew Scott, Raoul Wallenberg Institute
- Sustainable Distribution of Responsibility for Climate Change Adaptation
Erik Persson, Practical Philosophy
- “What’s love got to do with it?” SDGs, gendered power, and place attachment
Karin Steen, LUCSUS
- A tool for sustainable business model conceptualization and implementation
Kajsa Ahlgren Ode, Design Sciences
- Podcasting: a powerful communication tool to mobilize sustainability knowledge
Steven Curtis, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics